1998年ヴォーカルのナガシマトモコとポップスデュオ”orange pekoe”を結成。
2002年1stアルバム«Organic Plastic Music»で数々の賞を受賞。
2011年からソロの活動を本格化し、4枚のインストゥルメンタル・アルバムをリリース(2011年«SUN DANCE»、2012年«Dialogues»、2014年«My Native Land»、2016年«FLOW»)。
近年はリーダーバンドとして林正樹(pf)、西嶋徹(cb)、福盛進也(dr)を迎えたカルテットの演奏活動、また最新の共演作品は、2021年”Remboato”のメンバーとして«星を漕ぐもの»、2022年に畠山美由紀(vo)との«夜の庭»、2023年1月"林正樹 Group"のメンバーとして«Blur the border»、2023年5月に伊藤志宏(p)との«風の旅立ち»など。
Guitarist, Composer.
In 1998, he formed the pop duo "orange pekoe" with vocalist Tomoko Nagashima. In 2002, their debut album, Organic Plastic Music, won numerous awards.
Since 2011, he has concentrated on his solo career, releasing four instrumental albums: SUN DANCE (2011), Dialogues(2012), My Native Land (2014), and FLOW (2016). His music has earned wide recognition among jazz, classical, and world music listeners.
He has also collaborated with a variety of musicians from Japan and abroad, and has contributed to numerous projects, including live performances, recordings, stage productions, and music composition.
His work is borderless, focusing on melodious original compositions and a lyrical approach to guitar performance.
In recent years, he has led a quartet featuring Masaki Hayashi (piano), Toru Nishijima (contrabass), and Shinya Fukumori (drums). His latest collaborative works include Hoshi o Kogu Mono as a member of "Remboato" (2021), Yoru no Niwa with Miyuki Hatakeyama (vocals) in 2022, Blur the Border as a part of the Masaki Hayashi Group in January 2023, and Kaze no Tabidachi with Shikoh Ito (piano) in May 2023.